Monday, January 24, 2005

Legends of Jenga

Christopher David Francis Amigo Bate studied Jenga at Oxford University before practicing the ancient art of block-stacking the Amazonian rain forest. He would stack logs, small monkeys and villagers and play solo games to understand every move and eventuality.
The natives would soon refer to him as 'Juhooli' which means 'He who carefully takes the block from the bottom and places it on the top'
He then moved back to Britain where he took part in the underground Jenga movement.
There, under dim basement lights and amid a haze of smoke, he would battle it out with other Jenga-ers, usually with their tops off, for money and respect.
He crushed many a foe (sometimes literally) and set about trying to prove his worth above ground.
There he would face David 'The Brick Stackhouse' Johnson, Charlie 'Block-Buster' Roberts, Chris 'Captain Charisma' S and the devious enigma that is Nick 'Damn Dog' Bate
He would lose miserably.
It soon dawned on him that despite his confidence and supposed skill, he was making the heinous error of using both hands. He just couldn't cut the proverbial mustard above ground.
He lost a fierce battle at 'Jengafest 2005' and was never seen again. Some say he's been seen in the Amazon, some whisper that he's been seen serving in McDonalds', while others say that he set sail for a strange land known as 'THE ISLAND OF JENGARI'

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