Friday, January 21, 2005

Oh, simple things.....

Finally! We've got decent digital in our house! Now I can watch all the rock videos and shark documentaries I want.

In other, pointless, news I've noticed that I've been using the phrase "It's just one of those things" a lot. If anyone hears me say it can they please hit me on the arm or something? It would really help me out.


D.T. Johnson said...

I can't wait to get our own house! We will have some sort of extra special television thing.
I'm currently watching World Shut Your Mouth. It's quite amusing

D.T. Johnson said...

*KaPow!* like so. you also could use any other noise used by batman and robin in their early days
*Zonk!* for instance, *Boom!* is good too.

Christopher D. Bate said...

I was always a big fan of 'Zonk!'. I also liked 'Krak!' and 'Zowee!'.
Virtual smacks are fine. I did use the offending phrase about a thousand times over the weekend.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

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