Sunday, March 20, 2005

My Poor Brain


How are you? Feeling good? How's the rash?

I'm not really into writing personal stuff on here but I feel the need to mention a few things that have affected me over the past few days.

  • Southampton---Adam+Andy+Nick+Dan+Yours truly= Carnage.....but in a good way. I have many great memories to go with the headache and fatique. Thanks, all. Twas just the tonic.
  • The Hobbit, S'hampton. The themed bar where you can say "I'll have a pint of Gandalf" We all got absolutely Legolas (Sorry)
  • Lennon's. Indie bars are always good especially Indie bars that play The Postal Service.
  • Sweet texts from a sweet girl.
  • Mr Bukarki.
  • Smackdown and toast. The ultimate post-club remedy.
  • As is Family Guy
  • I need sleep.

Normal (Well, normal for me) service will resume shortly.


Stephanie said...

What is smackdown? You English people with your funny expressions...

Anti-Blogger said...

I have no clue what you just wrote. However, could you just add a "ah bloody 'ell" every sentence or two?



Simon Downes said...

I'm English and I don't know what smackdown is either. Is it similar to crack?

Christopher D. Bate said...

Smackdown is a WWE wrestling game on the PS2. Hours of fun involving men in pants grappling each other to a sweaty submission.

Stephanie said...

I looked it up on Google and "smackdown" is wrestling. Feel a bit silly now. :)

And there I was thinking that it was either some drug reference or some sort of marmite-like breakfast spread..


Christopher D. Bate said...

Marmite is evil. As is Play-Doh.

Stephanie said...

Marmite smells of my dad's old shorts and don't ask why I know that...

lilmammal said...

Family Guy! Kickass!

Eating burnt toast is a crucial part of any evening out for me (helps with the hangover). Was this what you meant or do you really just couple toast with jam and wrestling?

Christopher D. Bate said...

We did on this occasion. Male bonding and all that.

zuzula said...

i lived in southampton for six years and spent a lot of time in Lennons! The bouncer used to make me a cup of tea at the end of the night, bless him. then he defected to jumpin jaks and I had to stick to the vodka....

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...