Thursday, September 29, 2005



How the devil are each and all of you? I'm still sniffling and snuffling like some kind of troll. I'm now starting to lose my voice so verbal communication is sparse and difficult. I sound like an old, wartime radio.
I'm also suffering from Similes. Everything is like something today like some kind of--
Anyway, forgive me if my head is on wrong. Flu has taken all of my deep thoughts and rational thinking and meshed it into a series of sneezes.
I went to the Babyshambles gig last night and a shambles it truly was. It was full of the kind of people who should be in cages (With children and old folk throwing coins at them).
There were hundreds of Doherty wannabies, hanging off every slurred word and wobbly gesture, throwing whatever wasn't nailed down at whoever happened to be in the way.
It wasn't a Shins gig, that's for sure.
I don't want to sound like a boring sod but drunken punk isn't really my cup of tea. I mean, I love my punk rock but I prefer it to have a more intelligent, unified atmosphere. Last night, was like watching a smacked up barrow-boy do sing-songs for drug money (Which is what it was really). People say that Doherty is the new Kurt Cobain. I think that's balls. At least Kurt had tunes.
If it sounds like I'm moaning, I'm really not. The evening was still cool because I made the most of it and, like I said in the previous post, it was purely to see Mans and use a ticket that would have gone to waste. I know Mans will come along and see a band of my choosing.
Brendan Benson, Explosions in the Sky, We Are Scientists...etc, etc
It's all about give and take.
Oh, last night I got mistaken for a drug dealer. Do I look like the kind of guy that would pedal pills? I was the most nervous looking guy in the joint (I thought I was going to get head butted by one of the many nutters that were bobbing around the place)
Perhaps that was the reason, I'm not sure. Perhaps it was my tee-shirt.

The journey home from the city was hindered by the fact that all the trains were cancelled. A quick ride home turned into an hour bus ride. This was after I played the role of 'Travel Information Man' to a bunch of worried and drunk people.
Travel West Midlands should give me a wage for all the people I directed to the right buses. I think this was purely because I seemed to be the only one who could read the bus time table.
If only I had the giant crab I could have made a killing.
Had to cancel an evening at The Planet due to illness. As a good friend recently told me, I'm not going to get better if I don't slow down.
So tonight it's a whole heap of nothing but bed rest and soup. Got to kill this illness before the freakend.
Hope you are all well.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...