Monday, October 10, 2005

"So here I am, drinking with Death"

Death Rides the Nine

Those of you that have been visiting this blog for a while will be aware of the film I wrote called 'Death Rides the Nine' last night, for the first time, I watched the film in its entirety. It was a rough cut, meaning that music, effects and one scene was missing (More on that later) but it was there for me to see what Mallory and his crew had made of my wordy little script.

It's great. I'm not just saying this because I wrote it. I watched it 'outside' of myself, so to speak. I watched it as I'd watch any movie. My brother was also there as an excited second opinion.
It's the kind of film I enjoy: small, dialog-ridden, funny but with heart. It's framed wonderfully, both leads really shine; the lesser-characters (Bus man and Bartender) had been beefed up and had moments to call their own.
Sam and Grim had the kind of chemistry that I had only previously dreamed of. They played off each other well. That was always the key to the film because it's all about them, exchanging stories and bonding over drinks. To be honest, the film is far better than the original draft because it has more
flair. There are some great flashbacks (To break up the talk): Grim's audition with God and Satan got some big chuckles and the party scene was a series of short, sharp cuts which see our 'hero' drink himself into the boot of his future girlfriends car.
The missing scene had the voice over but not the animation. The film becomes animated for a scene halfway through.
The film still has a lot of the in-jokes and personal references in there. Some of which, a year on from when they were first written, stung a little. I think this helps to give the film that emotional tug. It may be a testament to my lack of imagination (Or large ego) that the lead character is basically myself. Well, myself two years ago.
I really think people are going to enjoy it. I'm not proud of much in my life but this is something I can cling to. This is what I've always wanted. It doesn't have to be huge or successful (Although the company may rightly share that notion) it’s a great little thing that I've done that's going to stay with me. This is my 'Dare to be great' moment.
I hope you all get the chanced to check it out. If only to see an American film that features the line:

"--Well, I'll be buggered if I'm going to shift it"

-The polished version is going to be shown October 31st.

-There is then loads of paperwork and red tape to work through before it begins to do the festival rounds.

Thanks for putting up with my gushing. I’m a little excited at this stage.


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