Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm finding it harder to be a gentleman.

Waiting for the bus this morning, I thought I'd let a girl on before me because I'm a gentleman and I believe in 'ladies first'

She must have had a similar idea because she motioned for me to go on.

I motioned back.

Then began a game of 'gesture tennis' where we kept batting our politeness back at each other.

-After you.

-No, after you.

-No! After you!

We seemed locked in this battle. I think we both started to get quite aggressive, spurred on by an urge to do good.

In the end, I got on first. She beat me at my own game.

This is not the first time this has happened.

Oh, and the new ECW sucks. I just thought I'd say.


Steve House said...

You always knew it would. This is my reply to both being a gentleman and ECW.

When do we get to see the violet hair then?

Christopher D. Bate said...

When we get Telewest back on Friday.

(We got a cheap deal and I miss digital radio)

Dude, ECW is worse than Smackdown! It was TERRIBLE! It was nothing like the old shows or the One Night Stand events. There's a zombie and a vampire in it!

RAW is more like ECW. It was pretty cool this week. D-X are back and--

--This kind of chat was much cooler when we used to live together. I've just exposed us as proper geeks.

I hope you are doing well, mate. I've been reading your blog with interest. It took ages to adjust to you not being around and I even kept doing that 'walking into your old, empty room' thing that couples do when they break up.

I've been keeping good on my promise to 'push things forward'. Been planting a few seeds, sir.
It'll be good to see if they develop into, uh, cool fruit.

Dock and soul and all that.

Steve House said...

Dock and soul dude.

You know its gonna take off as lets face it I only read stuff that can keep my attention and if you can get my attention then your doing something right.

I am a proper geek as straight after reading here I checked out the wrestling website, what a waste of money, Im paying 1000 won an hour to be here (Its about 50p). If you ask telewest they will give you the old number back as its within 6 months of cancelling. Thats if you want it of course. Wish I knew how to get MSN here. Everything on the display, wall paper and control paper is in Korean. Im probably using the slowest connection

JM said...

That has happened to me too. I think we have been beaten by women's liberation.
I was watching "The Ellen Degeneres Show". She had an expert on etiquette as a guest. This expert said that in the business world, it's offensive to open a door for a colleague, especially if she is female. She also said you must shake their hand as firmly as you shake that of a male colleague.

Clive_Evil_C said...

Ah I hate problems like this, this is why I'm rude and just don't try and be polite, probably not doing me any favours!

Mimey said...

I love having the door opened for me, and I'm equally at home opening doors, regardless of the gender. However when the fat old weird bloke let me on the bus, the one that hangs round with teenagers, this evening, I was somewhat unsettled.

Louise said...

Where I come from not being punched in the face by a bloke when he gets on the bus makes him a gentleman.

DanProject76 said...

I wouldn't mind having the door held open for me but I am not a lady. I think whoever opens it first should keep it held for the next person if they are near enough to it...

Robin Alexa said...

Well you tried and that's all that matters!

Walter said...

Ah, politeness.
That's as fashionable as Top Of The Pops, don't you know.

kimberlina said...

gesture wars are fun, as long as the boy is cute.

if it's an old man, i follow the 3rd gesture with a kick to the groin. ;)

Devil Mood said...

lol that's funny! I'm glad you're still a gentleman :)
What's ECW? Is is a game?

x said...

what a clueless girl. it isn't generous not to let others be kind to you.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Maddy--I think we're playing against the wrong people. Maybe people think that I have some kind of hidden motive. I really don't.

angel, jr.---This explains why i girl once tore a strip off me because I held the door open for her. It made her really mad. I've been weary of this ever since.

Trix---I couldn't NOT do it. It's too late to change now.

Clive_Evil_C---If it works, it works. Some people love rudeness. All the pretty girls seem to gravitate towards men that treat them like dirt. I'm not saying you do but you get my point.

JvS---And rightly so. I get all sort of loons sit next to me on the bus. Sometimes they offer me mints.

The Elusive Loo---The girls can be like that around here. They're fighters in the West Mids.

Dan Project 76---I do it for everyone. You've gotta be nice, haven't you? I like doing good deeds as and when I can.

Binsk---That's not the first time a girl has said that to me.

People i wouldn't open the door/be polite too:

1) Micheal Winner
2) Britney Spears
3) Danny Cannon (Director of Judge Dredd)
4) Towers of London
5) Andy Dick

Norton---Which, I've just found out, is dead. I didn't even know it was still on!

kimberlina---Maybe one day I'll open the door and it will lead to a blissful marriage. Maybe not.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Devil Mood---ECW is, uh, a wrestling show! Have I just lost my cool factor? (If indeed I ever had one)

Chloe---Some people are just suspicious. It's a shame really.

missy said...

I always give up my seat to pregnant women and pregnant-looking men. Imagine all the weight he's carrying in his tummy and it will be there for more than 9 months!

Walter said...


That word just cracks me up.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

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