Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Don't Fear The Reaper

Today is better. Not that yesterday was all that bad.

I was off work so that's half the battle for happiness won. I managed to see my house mate and his girl and catch up. Time and couple-based responisbilities have hindered our usual chats but
that's okay because I'm glad he's happy.

She's a nice girl too, thank God.

Apparently, I had to be carried up the stairs when I got home on Sunday morning. My hands and arms are scratched and bruised from scuffling and being firmly escorted out of the venue.

I don't usually behave like that so you'll have to excuse me on/offline friends. At least I stuck up for myself. It wasn't about the girl or anything like that. She has a way of bringing out the very worst in me and that's why I've been trying to flee.

She'll make the odd cameo I'm sure. She hates her boyfriend with a passion I don't understand. She used to hate me like that too. I feel sorry for the guy because, for some unfathomable reason, this particular creature, can put people through the emotional ringer. This is why she doesn't have many friends to call her own anymore.

Thanks each and all for your kind, supportive words. I hope I don't come across as pathetic. It seems that on the relationship score, I'm something of a fuck up. The kind of love I want doesn't exist anymore.

Anyway, things are good. Great. I've been asked to write for a writers newsletter and I've been told from Kyle that there are 'DRTN' happenings that I should be excited about.

: ( <----------> : )

That's really what I cling to. I want to make as many people laugh with my wordy nonsense as possible.

I think I can do it. I really do.

Above all things, I have faith in that.


Stephanie said...

I think you can do it too. :)

Hard as it is to imagine now, the day will soon come when your evil ex won't have an impact on you at all. I assure you.


ben said...

You go for it total good yeah!

Also: did you at any point get your cock out? If not, thats the evening totally improved. If you did, I just hope you didnt wave it round like a lightsaber making the appropriate noises.

Actually, that would be brilliant....

Sassy said...

I know what you mean when you say "the kind of love I want doesnt exist anymore". I feel the same way.

zuzula said...

it sounds to me like this young lady is the fuck up here. i hope you do find the type of love you're looking for - you're too adorable to be single!

Greg Mills said...

Ah, the occaisional drama is good for the soul. Consistently happy people are usually lying or insane.

Plus you might haved earn yourself some totally sweetass scars so when you land in triumph in LA, people'll step off 'cause you're this hard dude from the U.K. Oi. Oi. Oi.

Greg Mills said...

PS -- Just found out Lemmy is 60. My mother-in-law is sixty-five and she wear purple polyester pantsuits.

Robin Alexa said...

I know you can.

This is too cute:

: ( <----------> : )

Walter said...

Christopher, you are astonishing.
In all the right ways.
We love ya.

Just, you know, if you DO get your cock out and wave it around like a lightsabre, try not to poke anyone's eye out.

fb said...

The sour and the sweet.

DanProject76 said...

But the kind of love you want/need does exist!

You just have't found it yet.

Did somebody mention cock?

She de la Handbag said...

Stay positive honey! And try to steer clear of your lairy loon of an ex;)

LeperColony said...

Since everyone else has the support angle fully covered, I'll ask a question instead.

What's with the title? It's a good sentiment and a fine song, but what made you pick it? Doesn't really seem to match the post subject.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Thanks again, people for your comments. You're way too kind to me and it shows that, despite my flagging self-esteem, I must be doing SOMETHING right.

I will stay clear of negative things and ignore them. I don't seek out such situations, they just seem to find me.

The reason for the title of the post was due to 'DRTN' related news. Plus, i was listening to the song while I was typing.

I hope you all are well. You're all great, great people and I'm glad you comment here.

Thank you.

Stephanie said...

Okay, I know these smart folks have already said all the kind things because they're cool like that, but I've been away so forgive my lateness to the party.

I wholeheartedly second what chloe says. My ex knew how to push all sorts of negative buttons to bring out the worst in me, and for a long while after him I felt like the worst sort of person, instead of...well, me. Go you(!) for seeing it for what it is, even if it's after the fact. It gets easier. And it does exist...swear to God...it's just the finding is a bit tricky.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...