Sunday, July 16, 2006

Note to self

Have you ever had one of those nights where every tiny thing goes wrong?

I'll summarise because I'm sore:

I drank too much.

My evil ex was there.

She was dancing too close.

I wanted to get away.

Her brother brought me drinks. Shots.

Her new man was there.

New man had a go at me.

I had a go at new man.

It's a blur around that part.

I got thrown out of club.

I feel a little bit set up.

Why does this keep happening to me?


Red Hot Sexy Papa said...

That sucks badly. Retribution will take place soon! Feeling better???

Walter said...

It's that Evil Ex again.

She'll get hers someday; Karma will see to that.

Don't beat yourself up over it (as I'm sure bouncers of said club were more than willing...).
You're better than her, them, and that.

We all know it.

Stephanie said...

Don't be hard on yourself. She knows exactly what buttons to push and, from your description of the events, I think a lot of people would have reacted the same way.

DanProject76 said...

It happened to you because it's a small world, evil exists in the form of your ex and, as Maddy said, women are trouble. :-)

Maybe you should try it gaywise? Norton has done a blog post about it. It's a hoot!

Greg Mills said...

If you have no shame and it happens again, try snogging either her brother or boyfriend. Purely for laughs.

Dating is painful. And from past posts the girl sounds like a sadist. The best you can do is just walk away next time you see her. Just bung off to some other destination. No need to worry about her thoughts or emotions, as she sounds like she is more machine than woman now, TWISTED and EVIL. (points for spotting the reference.)

Christopher D. Bate said...

Red Hot Sexy Papa--If there is any justice in the world then she'll get what's coming to her. I feel for her new man because she is a very damaging person. I hear she's only with him because he lives close to her work and she can have a lie-in every morning. THAT'S my ex. Strange and selfish.

Norton--The bouncers were pretty cool. I didn't make a fuss. They had a mean grip!
Evil Ex brings out the worst in me. She's a walking curse.

Stephanie--Thanks for the calls. As ever, you have been an amazing friend and you never seem to judge me for my calamity and get tired of my ex-related bullshit. Next weekend will be great.

Maddy--They sure are. It wouldn't be so bad if we were together. My ex and I aren't even friends! She just seems to pop up like Wile E Coyote, throwing out various bombs and traps.

Dan--Sometimes I wonder if that would be easier. It is the 21st century and I'm a fairly open minded chap. I'd go gay for Alex Zane.

Greg--Sadist is right! She text me today to see if I was okay. Does that make any sense? She shouldn't be concerned and, if anything, she should be pissed at me! What's the matter with that beast? I've learnt a vital lesson this weekend.

kimberlina said...

dude, i totally want to whap your ex.

x said...

why is she always around? is that city that small?
try leaving the place next time Chris. I know it sounds like you are backing off but the aim of going out is a good time and clearly, with her around it ain't gonna happen.

zuzula said...

sounds to me like you need a change of scene. Don't you have a good mate in Korea who'd love to have you come and stay? :)

Cathy said...

Ditto Chloe.
And get a t-shirt with "Back off Evil Ex!" emblazoned on the front.

The shitty thing is, that she probably got a real kick out of the two of you going at it (thinking, of course, that it was all about her).

But she will get what she deserves, and she can watch with envy when you become famous.

LeperColony said...

At least you were drunk. I know it is a little thing, but it's important to try to salvage what you can from train wrecks.

Christopher D. Bate said...

As usual, thanks for all of your kind words. I've learnt a lot from the events and, creatively at least, things are on the up.

Thanks again, guys and girls. You're a great bunch.

fb said...

Theese sound like slug lines for a short film script.

Alsi it reminds me of the comic book series that Stephanie (Boston) introduved me too...'Scott Pilgrim'

Christopher D. Bate said...

Most likely, that will happen.

I'll have to check out that book.

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