Thursday, August 03, 2006

A couple of days is a long time in blogger land.

Thanks for your kind words, emails, texts and calls.

I really have to get these 'downers' in order. They come from nowhere and ruin the party.

You know how it is. Some of you do.

I'm okay...surviving.


Unknown said...

Lots of hugs to you! It will pass, don't worry. Go out and get some sunshine and see people who make you happy.

missy xx

ben said...

Peter Cook died of huge massively painful internal haemorrhaging you know. Why the hell would you want to die like that? You could've at least picked Marvin Gaye...

Stephanie said...

yay! good to see you back!

Greg Mills said...

Elliot Smith is sort of overrated anyway, you know? I mean, he's good, but he's no Rob Halford.

sophie said...

I do know actually. Mine
is just horrible and "little"
things save me literally -
like blogging.

And donuts.

Mimey said...

Words like good, balanced, happy, secure, content, glad are all dangerous and misleading, you know. How's about improving, then? Improvement is easy, so long as baby steps satisfy you.

Things Jemima learned while blogging part 19.

I hope you're improving.

zuzula said...

i had a big falling down moment earlier this year. I cried a lot, drank a lot, talked a lot and generally did my own head in until a friend of mine sat me down and made me a list of things I needed to sort out and in what order. I'm still making my way through it - but I found that having a plan really helped. It does get better x

JM said...

I'm glad you are surviving!!

x said...

i'll cook nice things for you. i bet elliott smith didn't have many nice things in his fridge.

Devil Mood said...

We all are...surviving. some days are harder than others.
But you'll be fine, you're a winner :)

Christopher D. Bate said...

Once again, you're all great. When I meet up with you guys I shall buy you drinks. Sexy drinks.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

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