Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bent Soul Style!

Okay, for those that care enough to keep coming back here; here is the news:

This past weekend I was contacted by a
Mr Tom Lewis, editor of such films as The Water Boy, Goal, The Wedding Singer and the recent Jessica Simpson starrer 'Employee of the Month'

Tom Lewis likes 'Bent Soul'...A LOT. The back and forth emails have been very promising.

This is great news to say the very least.

I'm currently busy tweaking the script and making it more palitable for a wider audience. Those who have read and enjoyed the script, will be pleased to know that the back-and-forth banter is still there and it looks like it's in good hands.

The fact that a man of his clout dug the script so much is amazing, the fact that he wants to make it is some wonderful icing.

This is not a late April fool.

I cross all my hearts.


DanProject76 said...

Excellent. I have downloaded the script and will read it when I have the proper concentration levels it needs... but haven't I already seen it? Was it a shorter story once? I remember the premise and the characters!

Gretta James said...

I am so unbelievable stoked for you. :>


Stephanie said...

It isn't amazing that a man of his clout dug the script. It's a FANTASTIC script and anyone with half a coco would love it. I'm just glad that you are getting kudos and I'm closer to seeing this movie on the big screen. :)

Anonymous said...

cool news!

Cathy said...

I love good news. This is great; everything in my body is crossed for you.

x said...

i am so very happy for you Chris. It's a great script and i wish you massive success.

JonSheridan said...

Go Chris!

Too British though? Reminds me of hearing about Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels being subtitled in some US markets...

Good luck sir :)

zuzula said...

awesome. and there's nowt wrong with a Brit flick!

Christopher D. Bate said...

It's freaky, isn't it?

I hope it works out. Wouldn't it be cool if it did?

JM said...

I'm crossing everything for you!!!!

JM said...

That may have come out weird. I'm pulling for you and also wishing on all the stars for you. I don't know why I used the word crossing.

sophie said...

The talented Mr. Christopher!

I don't shine if you don't shine
Chris and you are twinkling
away so hurrah for you!!!!!!!

Walter said...

Even with the possibility of an appearance by Adam Sandler looming over it, this is great news.

Hurrah for you.

Now, when you are rich and famous, can I accuse you of beating me so that I can take half of your fortune?

Maja said...

Dude, that is AWESOME!

Anonymous said...


chris, you're amazing! i can't even begin to imagine the excitment. :)

man, i love it when people who are passionate get good things in life.

jealous! but good jealous.

Devil Mood said...

OH!!!! I'm jumping up and down with excitement!!! I'm crossing all my hearts too!!! Oh this is so good...When I read this it felt like good things actually happen to people, big things and I'm so happy for you!

p.s. do you think success is in our birthday? maybe I could make something out of myself too. Michael Owen did...(he shares our birthday ;), Nostradamus did too heheh

Admin said...

awesome awesome! i hope it turns into something amazing! it surely will!

also, i love the new font you're using.

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