Sunday, November 05, 2006


ben said...

I have done tons of these and it never gets tiresome. Granted, most of mine arent understood by anyone else but myself but by god, thats some pleasure regardless...

sophie said...

I want tickets:)

Cathy said...

who cares about the awesome special guests, we are here to see the main event. Where can they be purcahsed! ;)

Blair said...

I phoned up to get one Chris but they said it had sold out!

hah, good work sir!

x said...

just 10 pounds? they are ripping you off!

Christopher D. Bate said...

Ben--It's really fun, isn't it? I've got loads on my laptop now. They'll be fillers for when my days are full of *meh*

Sophie--There would be plenty available and the right people are always welcome :)

Cathy--Aww! You're so sweet! I could never imagine myself as a main event.

Blairo--I walked right into that one. Loving the blog work. I hope you'll keep it up, you eyelash-eating genius!

Chloe--I did toy with £20 but i thought that would be pushing it. You should try the ticket thing, it passes the time and it's rather fun.

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