Monday, December 29, 2008

This game is just greatness. Kylie brought it for me this Christmas and I've been slowly...sloooooowly...going through it. The thing is, I need her there when I play it otherwise I will probably shit myself. It's one of those games that manages to recreate a scary film perfectly and, because I'm something of a wuss, I can't really play it alone. It's twisted body-horror stuff like The Thing. This and Soul Calibur 4 make me glad I purchased an XBOX 360.


It's back to the writing this week. I've not had much time to do much of the creative thanks largely to various upheavals. I'm going to write some more episodes for the TV show, do the needed biogs and try to write some new stuff. 2008 was a crazy, creative year that didn't give me much time to write about. Shame really as it was bloody good. Hopefully, 2009 will be just as hectic and I'll be more on the ball to jot it down.


Here are two memories from my recent birthday weekend:

The time we enjoyed a few drinks in Amy Winehouses local and saw Patrick Wolf looking stressed. I look quite old in this picture. It's most likely due to the fact that I was very tired and worn out. I'm also 29.
And that time that I got attacked by a T-Rex. I managed to take a picture before hand which is a typically modern thing to do.


Maja said...

Dinosaurs need photographing. Every time. Full Stop.

You sure were busy in Two O Eight. But it can only be a good thing if you don't have time to document it all in the blog, hey? I have many hours of boredom at work, hence much time for posting.

But hey, if I can get paid while I blog, that's all the better!

Christopher D. Bate said...

I'm going to start blogging from work as that's the only time I get to do anything these days!

Aloofus, Aloofus...

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