Saturday, July 29, 2006

Show and Tell

Hey gang,

Three hours sleep so i'm running on god knows what as I work my overtime.

But hey, I've got something for you. Well, those of you who are interested in the things I write and Death Rides the Nine.

Still here?

Click here to see Scott Halford's show reel. Scott plays the lead in DRTN and runs Foursite Studios.

The gem here (Apart from Mr Halford) is that there are two scenes from Death Rides The Nine that book-end the promo (They're the longest scenes)
Those that HAVE seen DRTN, and there are a few of you, will be able to see some familiar faces in the other flicks on display i.e Death (Randal Malin)


Friday, July 28, 2006

I've started saying 'Yes' again. I stopped for a while because, well, I don't really know WHY I stopped. I don't know why I do most things.

Usually this is a good thing because the unknowing keeps me going.

Anyway, out-of-the-blue texts and invitations open the doors to strange and surreal places.

For three days, I will have next to no sleep AND do overtime at work. All because of 'Yes'.

I saw an old flame (Not literally) last night that I foolishly let go a couple of years ago to do what I thought was the right thing for the wrong person. She understands now but it still kind of bugs her because she still likes me a little. (I'm like a nice virus in Vans)

I'm still kicking myself. Sometimes, when they see her, my friends kick me too, such is her prettiness

Sadly, she didn't ask me any questions that could be answered with a yes.

I'm off to Ramshackles tonight to do what I usually do when the freakends roll around.

In the quieter moments, it'll be all rewrites and whatnot for 'Bent Soul'

Keep your crossibles crossed for that.

Have fun. Shimmy, shake and tap someone on the shoulder and invent a legacy for yourself. I'm not sure what I mean by that but perhaps you might..

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Conversational Balloonist Style!

The great H and yours truly with friend

(I believe I called him Frampton)

**UPDATE** reviews James W.G Smith's music from 'Death Rides the Nine'. Go here to read all about it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Crazy Horse Tuesday

Despite the weekend being wrapped in disappointment (I was supposed to be in Brighton) I managed to salvage things and have a pretty decent (If thrifty) time.

I went out on Friday for a cheap night out at Ramshackles. Due to a lack of funds and the desire not to repeat last weeks shenanigans, I didn't drink. This didn't stop me doing the good kinds of things I usually do whilst under the influence.

If anything, I was in better spirits than usual.

H came along which was great because he doesn't normally like the clubbing environment (He prefers his rock music to be heavy, progressive and from a bygone era he wasn't even born in). He mixed it up a treat and brought some wicked air guitar to the table. I don't think I've ever seen the man dance in a public place before. Usually, such jiving is reserved for loud renditions of 'Rockin' In the Free World' at my house.

The following nights were quieter affairs, filled with movies, music and bouts of creative outpourings that kept me up until stupid O'clock.

I watched this chap on Channel Whatever who called himself Shark Gordon. He was actually swimming with dangerous sharks and doing these dangerous experiments where he and his equally deranged friend would let Bull sharks eat around his legs. He was trying to prove that sharks don't really go for humans when there is a better snack available. He didn't get his legs bitten off but he did get bumped around a bit.
I was watching this thinking "This is a lot like my love life" Girls don't really go for me where there is a better lad available. I do get my legs bumped now and then.

Maybe I was over thinking things. I do that sometimes.

Anyway, shark swimming and lady confusion aside, I've posted off DRTN for the Leeds Festival. If we get in (And we really should) then it would be amazing. My Dad designed the label for the copied disc (I didn't want to lose my original copy) and printed off some swish screenshots which you can view on FLICKR.

It's good that after all these years of not taking any 9 to 5 seriously and getting parental frowns because of it, Mom and Dad are fully behind me. In fact, they never ask about my office job, only about creative developments. How the tide has turned..

I visited my Nan for the first time in six months and I just got grief about my hair. My dear old Nan thinks I look 'like a girl' and, if my Grandfather was alive, he would call me something

I hope I die before I get old.

A few things before I get back to feigning interest in my bullshit job:

* I'm going to see Ryan Adams TWICE! Once in London and once in Birmingham. I'm excited to say the least. He's cancelled every previous gig I've booked tickets for!

* You Tube is great for finding footage of legends and various visual treasures. I've found some cool Jeff Buckley, Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash stuffwhich I can post up for those that are interested.

* I brought Neil Young's 'Harvest' and 'Ragged Glory' in a good record sale and picked up James Dean Bradfield's 'The Great Western'. The latter was largely because of my brothers devotion to Bradfield and the Manic Street Preachers. It's a good record that's worth checking out. As is the Joan as Policewoman and Camera Obscura records.

* There are some writings on my other blog for people who want something silly to read.That's all from me. Have a good Tuesday.

Please don't work too hard..

..unless you're in the emergency services.


Saturday, July 22, 2006

I'm bored. I shouldn't be HERE.

I should be THERE.

Anyone for a game of tennis or something?

Thursday, July 20, 2006

It's hot where I am. Hotter than hot. I don't really like hot.

British heat is like being constantly breathed on by a large, tired dog.

It's not insane to sweat when you write. It's making me feel out of shape!

I'm fit.

Trust me.

Truman and I hung out and watched botched wrestling moves and promos on YOU TUBE. It's so funny watching big, scary man mess up lines and try to keep their brutish dignity.

We also watched THAT FILM*. Truman dug it and I was pleased.

I've been doing something right.

I'm off to have what must be my forth shower of the day.

(* By THAT FILM I don't mean some kind of Christopher Bate sex video. That would be horrible, wouldn't it?)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Don't Fear The Reaper

Today is better. Not that yesterday was all that bad.

I was off work so that's half the battle for happiness won. I managed to see my house mate and his girl and catch up. Time and couple-based responisbilities have hindered our usual chats but
that's okay because I'm glad he's happy.

She's a nice girl too, thank God.

Apparently, I had to be carried up the stairs when I got home on Sunday morning. My hands and arms are scratched and bruised from scuffling and being firmly escorted out of the venue.

I don't usually behave like that so you'll have to excuse me on/offline friends. At least I stuck up for myself. It wasn't about the girl or anything like that. She has a way of bringing out the very worst in me and that's why I've been trying to flee.

She'll make the odd cameo I'm sure. She hates her boyfriend with a passion I don't understand. She used to hate me like that too. I feel sorry for the guy because, for some unfathomable reason, this particular creature, can put people through the emotional ringer. This is why she doesn't have many friends to call her own anymore.

Thanks each and all for your kind, supportive words. I hope I don't come across as pathetic. It seems that on the relationship score, I'm something of a fuck up. The kind of love I want doesn't exist anymore.

Anyway, things are good. Great. I've been asked to write for a writers newsletter and I've been told from Kyle that there are 'DRTN' happenings that I should be excited about.

: ( <----------> : )

That's really what I cling to. I want to make as many people laugh with my wordy nonsense as possible.

I think I can do it. I really do.

Above all things, I have faith in that.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Note to self

Have you ever had one of those nights where every tiny thing goes wrong?

I'll summarise because I'm sore:

I drank too much.

My evil ex was there.

She was dancing too close.

I wanted to get away.

Her brother brought me drinks. Shots.

Her new man was there.

New man had a go at me.

I had a go at new man.

It's a blur around that part.

I got thrown out of club.

I feel a little bit set up.

Why does this keep happening to me?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Imagine if babies weren't born as they are now.

Imagine if they had to be assembled like a Kinder-Egg toy.

The mother births out this kit and then a team of doctors go to work, assembling the child; screwing on the arms and legs and popping in the arms.

Then it would be like "TA-DA! It's a boy!"


I'm off, after a hard days grafting in my office, to hit the bars of my favourite town. I won't see any of you there but, BY GOD, I'll be thinking of you.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

11:11 A.M

At 11:11 A.M everyone on who sits on my table at work makes a wish.

I always wish for the same thing.


Without fail.

My good, good friend Stephanie wrote a nice review of a script I sent to her a while back.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Clearly, I'm no photographer...

Mans and I went out and had ourselves a rather swish evening. We ended up going to the new rock venue at the Canal Club. It has been taken over by the people that ran our usual Thursday hangout, The Planet (The old place has now gone to the dogs)
I was wearing my 'Pickles are cucumbers soaked in evil' t-shirt which got a lot of attention. A lot of people took the time to point and laugh (At least I hope they were laughing at the t-shirt)
Mans and I ended up on a small stage dancing (Or spasming depending on your take on our dancing skills)
We stayed out until late/early (On a school night, no less!) and because of this I ended up getting into work over an hour late.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Lots on. Suddenly, life has become all WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA! again. This is the way i like it. I hate sitting on my hands, waiting for something to happen.

'Bent Soul' is looking good. I don't want to name the people that are interested lest I jinx the whole thing. It's very, very early days and it could easily go belly up. All I will say is that, if Google and IMDB are correct, you will have heard of the films they have been involved in. One of which is a fairly recent remake.

I hung out with some old/new friends last night for the usual Wednesday meet-up. It was a quieter affair this week; no heavy drinks and no falling over. It was still cool though.

We are having a gathering/BBQ this Saturday. It'll be nice to have people over. Our gatherings are usually pretty nutty. Anyone who came to last years 'Buns and Guns Day' will know what I mean. Nick brought a new DVD version of the age old board game 'Atmosphere'. Does anyone remember that? We're going to play it for old times sake. We may play it drunk. And naked. (I won't be drinking) We're going to Blast Off later. I haven't been for what seems like ages. I have to meet up with my D.J friend, grab free stuff and recommend music.

I've been trying to get in shape and H is overseeing my whole diet and fitness regime. My muscles have been killing me for a few days now, such is my unfitness. I'm determined to stick with it. The rewards will be worth it.

Blair got me tickets for Jurassic 5! YAY!

I got Corinna a little something. Hee hee!

I'm off to rock and roll tonight with Mans. I'm not going to be back until 5am. I get up at 7am for work. Tommorow I shall be sponsored by Red Bull (Or a cheap knock off)


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Hi Christopher,
I'm a producer working here in Burbank. I'm frequently on looking for new material.
I read your script 'Bent Soul' and think it's very interesting. Curious if I read the most recent version (downloaded from site. Second, do you have it in final draft or pdf form? I'd like my producing partner to read it. And third, how many pages it comes out to in regular screenplay format.
Could you write me back and let me know? I think you have something really interesting here.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Belated Bits and Bobs from the London/Camden/Brighton Weekend

Finally, got the net back at my house. Here are a few pictures that the previous posts could have done with.

Camden Barfly

Some hotel in Camden: Maja, Geezer and myself
Dylan Moran. Well, the stage. He had a real go at people that wanted his picture.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...